Sunday, 27 June 2010

Written on the Way to Deborah's Weddin'


Josh, Anna, Michael and I wrote this jolly poem in honor of Deborah and Evan's wedding. and yes, the existence of a real Kevin is completely fabricated... enjoy. :)

Leaven La Vida Loca

(based on a true story)

There once was a boy named Evan,

A lad who baked bread without leaven.

"Alas, O my soul,"

Said the lad to his roll,

"I wish I could bake like that Kevin."

The boy that he spoke of, this Kevin (fiend)

Was a sprightly young lad of just seven (teen).

He made cakes a la carte

And strawberry tarts

That could satisfy angels in heaven (winged).

Now Deborah liked Kevin, not Evan.

And Evan liked Deborah, not Kevin.

"Alas, O my soul,

"A lass make me whole,"

Said Evan whilst looking towards heaven.

An angel then came down from heaven

To help the poor leaven-less Evan.

"Deborah, don't fear,

"The right man is near.

"The lovin' lies not in the leaven."

The angel receded to heaven

And Deborah looked up and saw Evan.

"Alas, O my soul,

"This lad makes me whole,

"But a cake we will need at the weddin'."

So Deborah was married to Evan,

A match that was made up in heaven.

The party was swell.

The cake was as well,

Its baker none other than Kevin.

Thursday, 3 June 2010



It will all sound contrived,

the forest being hungry

for naught knows what --

the sea of ivy,

poisoned. And the thorns

- the ones I'd rather have than spiders.

And just after saying it,

running into webs - one

after the other.

What of it?

A shattered pile of sticks from childhood --

one unrotten log.

And all of it

coming together just in time

for me to run back and wash it off --

if it was on time.

But there it is, anyways. We'll call it
