Thursday, 9 April 2009

Another Pie in the Face...

Note: this post is full of sarcasm...I'm not this evil in real least, I like to believe this is the case...

"Success is counted sweetest," wrote Emily Dickinson, "by those who ne'er succeed."  So after my last failed attempt to pie Denisovich in the face (it was a tragic story, let me tell you) tonight's go at it resulted in pure, unhindered elation.  A loose interpretation of 'messy glory', the mess was all over KatyO's face and the glory was all to be mine.

So here's the story...about a month ago, I was telling some good Londonfolk about how much grander life would be if more people got pied in the face on a daily basis.  Katie begged to differ, offering one of those moralistically tomfoolerish comments about how things would go horrifically wrong if the wrong person had whipped cream applied to their freshly combed hair without a moment's notice..."but you could pie me - I wouldn't's just some people."  This was all the permission I needed.   

Today, then - whilst bakin a Koala cake for Kayla's b'day, I got Nathan to stew up a bucket of whipped cream for me, fresh from one or three of those powder packets.  And anytime you can get Nathan involved in a pie-ing, you should already count it as a clear victory.  Problematically, though, I was missing a proper pie tin.  All we had was metal or glass, and the paper plates had left the building through various trash-baskets months ago.  So tonight, as a group was going to the store, I sent Kathryn to pick up a pie tin for me.  Apparently, unbeknownst to me, KatyO was in the grocery group and helped pick out a metal pie tin, as nothing else was available.  'Tis fortunate I didn't actually use her weapon of choice...

By now it was 10 of the clock and we were just getting back from Kayla's party shindig with her grandparents, and my options were wearing thin.  Plenty of cream, a bit o time, but still no proper serving method.  Fortunately, I was in my Robin Hood outfit, which comes in handy quite a bit, I've found (you never can tell when a robbery from the rich and a donation to the poor is needed).  So I took off my hat, grabbed my favorite spoon, and filled the green feather-pinned headgear with the white goodness.  Everyone was there, pretty much, and everyone saw me walk out with a cap full of cream.  But KatyO walked and talked on unawares... mmmmmmm!  The pie came in from the side and the hat formed perfectly around her face.  It was a moment of pure joy.  For me at least.  Pure joy and justice in a world where it seeks so often to evade us.  

And this time, the collected works of Mark Twain didn't have to take one for the team.


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